Individual Membership

Membership Categories

Institute membership is globally acknowledged as a symbol of professionalism in the shipping industry. ICS Members comprise the largest network of professional shipbrokers, managers, and agents.

Candidates who complete their Professional Qualifying Examinations are eligible for the ICS Membership, upon submission of the application for membership form and approval by the ICS Controlling Council. It is the largest Membership category, including brokers, agents, principals, owners, lawyers, seafarers, insurers and covers a wide range and scope of activity.

Fellows are Members, who are over 25 years of age with at least six years’ seniority in the commercial shipping industry. Fellows are entitled to call themselves ‘Chartered Shipbrokers’. Members who wish to apply for Fellowship need to satisfy the Controlling Council that they are fit and proper persons to become Fellows.

Members & Fellows who retire from business either permanently or temporarily and are no longer gainfully employed in shipping may if they wish become Retired Fellows or Retired Members respectively.

Honorary Membership is open to those who have made a significant contribution to commercial shipping. It is the highest honour bestowed by the Institute. To be eligible for Honorary Fellowship, candidates have to be nominated by at least three members of the Controlling Council and the approval is granted by a simple majority.

To qualify for life membership, a retired Fellow or Member must be recommended by their Branch. Life membership should be considered for those retired Fellows or Members who over a protracted period have made a significant contribution to ICS, for example, having been the Chairman of the Institute, Branch or specialist committee member, Tutor, Examiner and so on.


Applications for election to membership (MICS, FICS) will be placed before the Executive/Controlling Council for consideration. Meetings of the Executive/Controlling Council to consider such applications normally take place in: February, June, September and November each year.

If you have completed your PQE and would like to apply for membership of the Institute contact us:

Or submit the forms below:


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