ICS & BALTIC EXCHANGE Webinar (EMEA-Americas) 3rd LECTURE_THE MARKET & MARITIME ARBITRATION – “A recap and some Possible Future Positions”

We are happy to announce the third webinar of the 4th Annual Series of Baltic ICS lectures for the EMEA-Americas region.
In our upcoming lecture, a range of distinguished speakers will help us unravel the drivers and decision-making processes that sit behind maritime arbitrations and what changes are taking effect in the world of maritime disputes.

We are excited to welcome both, Mr Bruce Harris, President and Ms Daniella Horton, Honorary Secretary of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association, to help us unravel the drivers and decision-making processes that sit behind maritime arbitrations and what changes are taking effect in the world of maritime disputes.

The Webinar will take place ONLINE via GoToWebinar on Wednesday 10 February 2021, 12:00-13:00 (GREEK TIME).

You may register HERE.