Liner Trades
A complete course offering a comprehensive description of modern container ship operations and management. A detailed approach of the financial and legal aspects of the trades and various types of documentation involved.
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• Introduction – Liner Shipping and the Container Revolution
• Ships which operate liner services
• Ports, Terminals and Cargo Handling
• Development of through transport systems – containers and intermodal transport
• Container Lines & their networks – trades, services, and co-operation (Part 1)
• Container Lines & their networks – trades, services and co-operation (Part 2)
• Structure & organisation of companies in the liner sector: Operators, agents, NVOCCs, logistics companies
• Bills of Lading and other contractual documents
• Contracts between sellers and buyers – relevance for the liner operator
• Revenue and Costs in the Liner Business
• The future for Liner – Container shipping
The course is addressed to those working in the liner industry, port operations and agency, freight forwarding, etc. and others related to the market such as lawyers, economists, Ship Masters etc.
Tony Mason
FICS, Logistics and Multimodal Transportation ExpertA complete course offering a comprehensive description of modern container ship operations and management. A detailed approach of the financial and legal aspects of the trades and various types of documentation involved.