The 3rd Series of the Baltic ICS Lectures starts in September 2019!

We are happy to announce the start of the 3rd Series of the Baltic ICS Lectures for the year 2019-2020.

The Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers present a series of lectures in Shanghai, Singapore, Athens and London; intended to support and develop those working in chartering and operations. 

Taking place every other month and including lunch where appropriate, lectures are free to employees at Baltic and ICS member companies. 

The series is aimed at supporting those developing careers in shipping and encouraging better advocacy across a future generation of industry leaders and is supported by all the major broking houses and a wide cross-section of principals.

The first lecture will take place on Wednesday 25 September 2019 and the topic, covered by Mrs Katerina Stathopoulou, Executive Director, Investments & Finance Ltd, will be ‘’The Magical picture of changing Shipping Finance landscape’’.

 More information will follow shortly!

Looking forward to seeing you at the Baltic ICS lectures!