Queen Mary University of London and Hill Dickinson LLP organized a Seminar on Bills of lading in Piraeus

The Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London, and Hill Dickinson LLP International organized on Thursday, 28th February 2019 a roundtable discussion on Bills of Lading.

Welcome remarks were made by Mr Andrew Dyer, Partner at Hill Dickinson. Professor Yvonne Baatz from CCLS, Mr Ieronymos Bikakis and Mr Andrew Dyer from Hill Dickinson discussed the common issues of Bills of Lading arising when carrying bulk cargoes. Dr Miriam Goldby, Reader in Law at CCLS, chaired the discussion.

The seminar was well attended by shipping professionals of all spectrums of the industry.

Queen Mary University of London offers in Piraeus, Greece its innovative LLM in International Shipping Law in partnership with Hellenic Management Centre. It is a programme of excellent academic standards, in the heart of a major international shipping centre.  Within this context, QMUL enhances its presence in Greece by collaborating with Hill Dickinson, an international commercial law firm with long lasting presence in the Greek Shipping Market and organizing educational and training events for the legal and commercial shipping professionals.

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Mr Andrew Dyer, Partner at Hill Dickinson, Dr Miriam Goldby, Reader at CCLS, QMUL, Professor Yvonne Baatz from CCLS, Mr Ieronymos Bikakis from Hill Dickinson