Awards & Recognition


Natalia Margioli, FICS receives the Sworn Shipbroker Medal at the Annual Prize Giving Ceremony in London.

The UK Under-Secretary of State at the Department for Transport, Nusrat Munir Ul-Ghani MP and Lord Mountevans, ICS International President, awarded Mrs Margioli for her contribution to the Institute and the development of the Greek Branch as a top educational and membership centre.


HMC/ICS Greek Branch has been awarded the ‘’Award for Achievement in Education and Training’’ during the 7th Annual Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards in 2011.

A milestone for HMC / ICS Greek Branch which shows that the commitment of HMC to provide the shipping market with well-educated professionals through the top-quality professional training programs and courses has been unanimously recognized by the Greek Shipping Market.


Every year, Greek students are awarded for their performance at the ICS Professional Qualifying Examinations. Students that have distinguished internationally, receive global awards during the Annual ICS Prize Giving Award’ Ceremony that takes place at Trinity House, in London UK. Also, students that have excelled and scored distinctions within the Greek Branch are awarded during the ICS Annual Forum each year.

Students’ awards are a recognition of the HMC/ ICS Greek Branch as a leading maritime education and training center.