Shipping Accounting


4, 5, 6,11 and 13 November 2024


5 Sessions


18:30 – 21:30 (GMT+2)


500 EUR
(Including tuition fees & reading material)
ICS Members are eligible to a discount 20% on all HMC Professional Maritime Seminars

Shipping plays a central part in the global economy, and its well-documented history gives maritime economists a unique perspective on the way the industry’s economic mechanisms have evolved. This seminar has a two-fold purpose: to offer an introduction to the shipping industry and to evaluate and observe the financial and accounting practices of a vessel-owning or -managing company. Scholars will gain both practical and theoretical knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards and how they affect a shipping company’s financial position and performance.


Introduction to Shipping Industry

  • Overview of the Shipping Market and its Economic Drivers
  • Anatomy of a Shipping Company & its Vessels

Financial Reporting and Accounting (in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards)

  • Financial Reporting Framework
  • Introduction to Financial Statements
  • Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
  • Events After the Reporting Period
  • Vessel and Depreciation Accounting
  • Vessel Impairment and ‘Value in Use’ Testing
  • Inventories’ Measurement
  • Provisions and Contingencies
  • Expenses
  • Revenue
  • Accruals and Prepayments Concept
  • Consolidated Financial Statements & Business Combinations

Analysis of a real-world Shipping Company’s Financial Statements

Other Aspects of Shipping Accounting

  • Budgeting for Shipping Companies
  • Accounting for Port Agent Disbursements
  • Master’s General Account

Professional Accountant of the Future

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The seminar is addressed to ship owners, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, finance and accounting directors, managers, supervisors, financial analysts, auditors, bank executives, accountants, assistants, other related finance, accounting and maritime executives, associates, graduates, and students.


  • Paraskevas G. Kousounadis
    FICS, Finance Manager, Shipmanagement company


    Shipping plays a central part in the global economy, and its well-documented history gives maritime economists a unique perspective on the way the industry’s economic mechanisms have evolved. This seminar has a two-fold purpose: to offer an introduction to the shipping industry and to evaluate and observe the financial and accounting practices of a vessel-owning or -managing company. Scholars will gain both practical and theoretical knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards and how they affect a shipping company’s financial position and performance.