ICS takes HAEF on a visit on-board SS Liberty Museum

Hellenic Management Centre and ICS Greek Branch had the pleasure to organize a visit on- board SS Liberty Museum for the high school students of HAEF, on Thursday 7 March 2019.

A welcome address was given by Mrs Natalia Margioli, Managing Director of HMC / ICS Greek Branch and then Cpt Evangelos Kouzilos, the museum’s manager, made a presentation on the history of Hellas Liberty ships, explaining how Liberty Ships were donated by America to Greece as a sign of recognition for their contribution during World War II.

Also, the students had the opportunity to attend a 1-hour session within the museum on the topic “Why Shipping Matters?” delivered by Mr Simon Ward, Managing Director of Ursa Shipbrokers and a Fellow Member and lecturer of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. It was a good first insight into shipping’s contribution in world trade, commodities, shipping management structure and other basic factors of commercial shipping.

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