Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Greek Branch Students visit a container vessel ‘’TEXAS TRIUMPH’’ at Piraeus Container Terminal


A visit for the students of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Greek Branch was arranged on Wednesday 29th of January 2020 on board the container vessel “Texas Triumph” during her call at Piraeus Container Terminal.



The students were taken on a tour of the vessel while members of the crew explained her main parts and equipment and their relevant functions. Everyone went around the bridge, the accommodation and engine room. It was a good insight into the reality of merchant ships in action. It was a great opportunity to get familiar with the integral part of commercial shipping they have been long studying in theory, while preparing for the ICS Professional Qualifying Examinations, leading to ICS Membership, the only professional qualification that is internationally recognized as a mark of competence for shipping professionals.

ICS visit on board




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Special thanks to the master and crew of the vessel for taking on tour of the vessel the ICS Students and also to Mr Nikos Marmatsouris, Fellow Member of the Institute and Senior Marketing Manager of GAC Shipping S.A. for arranging the visit onboard.

